The further uploads to the German folder include a sizeable addition to the collection of "JUFOF" published by the group "GEP". A few years ago, I obtained permission to upload all the issues of GEP's magazine "JUFOF" that were older than 5 years. I uploaded the first 200 issues of JUFOS at that time. Thanks to Danny Ammon and GEP, I have now uploaded issues up to 2017 (maintaining the initially negotiated permission of uploading issues more than 5 years old).
Sunday, August 28, 2022
More German and Swiss UFO magazines/journals added to archive - Weltraumbote, JUFOF
The further uploads to the German folder include a sizeable addition to the collection of "JUFOF" published by the group "GEP". A few years ago, I obtained permission to upload all the issues of GEP's magazine "JUFOF" that were older than 5 years. I uploaded the first 200 issues of JUFOS at that time. Thanks to Danny Ammon and GEP, I have now uploaded issues up to 2017 (maintaining the initially negotiated permission of uploading issues more than 5 years old).
Friday, August 26, 2022
Hundreds of new Canadian government UFO document scans now online - from Chris Rutkowski. (No, not the documents you've seen before...)
Veteran Canadian UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski has been collecting UFO reports, photos and documents for decades - including by copying hard copies of material held by the Government of Canada's "Library and Archives Canada". He has donated a huge collection of his UFO material to the University of Manitoba. According to that University's relevant webpage, Chris is "the preeminent ufologist in Canada, and well recognized as an expert internationally". More information on Chris can be found on his blog and on the website relating to his "Canadian UFO Survey".
Chris Rutkowski has now kindly agreed to allow me to upload hundreds of pages of Canadian government UFO documents from his personal archives to the website of the AFU in Sweden. This first batch of new Canadian government UFO documents is from 1994 and 1995. Material from other years will follow shortly.
These government documents have not previously been released online. They are not included in the UFO documents that have been released online so far by the Government of Canada's "Library and Archives Canada". In relation to previous material, incidentally, back in 2011 I made about 8,000 pages of Canadian government UFO documents available online as searchable PDFs. (Those PDFs are now on various UFO websites, usually stripped of any reference to me or my work...).
Chris has also provided this helpful bit of background to these new documents:
"This set of documents has not been scanned by LAC or made available digitally.
These are scans of the documents held in LAC as part of the National Research Council of Canada files on UFOs reported to them or to other agencies such as the RCMP, all during the calendar years 1994 and 1995.
The NRC and RCMP ceased recording or investigating UFO reports received by them in 1995. ...
LAC scanned and uploaded such reports up to about 1982. Later years' files are currently only available to view as hard copies in Libraries and Archives Canada in Ottawa.
However, I have visited LAC many times and have filed numerous Access to Information (ATI) requests (the analog to the FOIA in the USA) and have obtained many of the files after 1982.
I have included these sets of files in my annual Canadian UFO Survey that began in 1989.
As I have donated all my UFO report files to the University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections, their intent is to eventually scan the files and make them available to researchers.
To assist them in this endeavour, I have been scanning select sets of files myself.
I chose 1994 and 1995 as an initial effort as these were the last years that the NRC officially accepted UFO reports."
These documents join the mass of other material made freely available online as part of this UFO scanning project. Some of you will have noticed that another veteran Canadian UFO researcher, Grant Cameron, also recently agreed to have material from his archives added to this huge (and still growing) online collection.
I have made these documents from Chris available as:
(1) single JPG images, and
(2) searchable PDF files of single pages;
(3) composite PDF files of all pages from each year.
As a little experiment with something new, the composite PDF files include hyperlinked tables of contents listing each document with a link to the relevant document. These hyperlinked tables of contents could be combined with other similar chronological tables/indexes that I have created over the years.
I have recently been trying to focus on deep dives on a few UFO topics/cases, but I will continue to help get other UFO material made freely available online. More material from Chris Rutkowski, Grant Cameron and other Canadian UFO researchers will be added very soon (as, of course, will the continuing additions from other countries - including more very soon from Germany, the USA, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, and elsewhere).
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