Thursday, March 23, 2023
Nearly 50% of very rare 1950s "Kalamazoo Flying Saucer Study Club" bulletins (Michigan, USA, 1950s)
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Rare 1970s UK newsletters - "South Lincs UFO Study Group Newsletter"
A few days ago, I posted a single issue of the "South Lincs UFO Study Group Newsletter" (1970s, United Kingdom). I have now obtained 25 issues of this rare newsletter, thanks to the AFU, and added them to my online archive.
The "South Lincs UFO Study Group" was a "member society" of BUFORA, which formed from the merger of numerous British UFO groups. Many of the small local UFO groups that made up of BUFORA ceased to exist in the 1960-1970s as BUFORA became more dominant in Britain. The South Lincs UFO Study Group was one such group. It isn't feasible for me to get permission from anyone that was involved in such small groups (that sometimes only published a total of a few pages of newsletters), not least because everyone involved in some of those small groups has probably died. I've contacted BUFORA about uploading scans of the small newsletters of some its older "member societies" and Heather Dixon has kindly indicated that she cannot see any problem with my uploading such small newsletters from those local groups.
40 issues of "Skeptical Eye" and 105 issues of "Shadow of a Doubt" - NCAS [National Capital Area Skeptics]
The Board of Directors of NCAS [i.e. the "National Capital Area Skeptics"] yesterday gave me permission to add its "Skeptical Eye" and "Shadow of a Doubt" publications to my free online UFO / Fortean archive.
Overnight, the AFU in Sweden has scanned various issues to fill in most of the gaps in the collection previously available on the NCAS website, particularly most of a relatively large gap in the online copies of "Skeptical Eye" between the middle of Volume 6 and the middle of Volume 11 . (The NCAS is, of course, obviously free to use these new scans to fill in those gaps if it wants).
If any skeptics or other researchers have any of the few missing issues of Skeptical Eye, I'd welcome a copy which I will promptly add to the online collection.
Indeed, if any skeptics or others can think of any worthwhile skeptical newsletters not yet in my online archive which I may be able to get permission to add, then just let me know and I'll try to sort out a permission request and (if permission is granted) relevant searchable scans.
For ease of reference, the skeptical material currently in my online archive now includes the following:
(1) "Skeptic UFO Newsletter" by Philip Klass
(2) John Rimmer's "Magonia"
(3) Ian Mrzyglod's "Probe"
(5) "Tampa Bay Skeptics Report"
(6) "North Texas Skeptic"
(7) "South Shore Skeptic"
(8) "Arizona Skeptic"
(9) "Phoenix Skeptics News"
(10) "Georgia Skeptics" newsletter
(11) "Bay Area Skeptics Information Sheet"
(12) "Cincinnati Skeptic"
(13) "REALL News" (Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land)
(14) "Skeptical Eye" (National Capital Area Skeptics, NCAS)
(15) "Shadow of a Doubt" (National Capital Area Skeptics, NCAS)
(16) a PDF archive of about 10,000 pages of Tweets by skeptics Mick West and Charlie Wiser
Monday, March 20, 2023
Catalog/database, and analysis, of pre-1947 "UFO-like phenomena" - report by Dr Louis Winkler, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University (1982-1984)
The abstract for that report states the following:
"A catalog of several hundred descriptions of ufo-like phenomen~ occurring before 1947 has been constructed. Entry headings include time and place of occurrence, classification, and sources for the data. One portion of the catalog consists of chronological data from varied sources while another portion consists of data grouped by ufologists. The luminous atmospheric· phenomenon class and Martian accounts allow some definitive conclusions which appear under separate cover as PART II of this report".
"An analysis of early ufo-like data has advantages compared to the analysis of modern data because it comes from a simpler technological era and covers a much longer time period. For the study here, the most revealing statistic of the report is the date of occurrence. The first two dated accounts occur in Aug of the years 1015 and 1133, and are associated with the onset of: the meteor shower season.
Laps, like magnetic storms .and auroras are geomagnetic phenomena that are linked to cometary streams. The streams originate in twelve, short-period comets whose orbits pass through the plane of the ecliptic within or near earth's orbit. Laps and storms have similar statistical correlations, while laps and auroras are often seen simultaneously. They occur when earth encounters a solar-comet mixture embedded in a stream during a shower or when the sun sprays the mixture into earth's path. The mixture is apparently entrained by the geomagnetic tail and is transported into the geomagnetosphere.
There is no compelling evidence that any of the accounts of the catalog are due to extra-terrestrial intelligence. However, the extra-terrestrial intelligence hypothesis is adopted by many to suit a need in their life. An examination of post 1947 data in the light of solar-comet mixtures will probably further develop the scenario offered here. The most challenging problem remaining is to explain the evolution of the mixture in the geomagnetosphere".
New UFO uploads today - from the USA, UK, India, Israel, USSR, Norway (and, if I get some more time later, some other countries)
New uploads today (from the USA, UK, USSR, India and Norway) to my free online UFO/Fortean archive kindly hosted by the AFU are:
(1) From the USA (thanks to Barry Greenwood):
Flying Saucer Review (Rockmore) - appears to be in the public domain, as pre-1964 material not subjected to renewal of copyright by registration(2) From the United Kingdom:
South Lincs UFO Study Group Newsletter (1970s) -
(3) From the USSR (thanks to Igor Kalytyuk for scans and help getting permission from Eastern Europe)
(b) Fenomen almanac
(5) From Norway (thanks to Ole Braenne for scans and help getting permission):
Friday, March 17, 2023
Huge collection of Norwegian UFO newspaper clippings (1978-1995) added - "Klipprunden" [Odd-Gunnar Roed]
For almost 20 years (1978-1995), Odd-Gunnar Røed collated copies of the previous week’s Norwegian UFO press clippings in a weekly publication called "Klipprunden".
146 issues of those collections of newspaper cuttings have now been added to "Klipprunden" section of the Norway folder, thanks again to help from Ole Braenne and with the permission of Odd-Gunnar Roed.
150+ further issues of Norwegian UFO/Fortean magazines now online - "UFO", "En Gal Gal Verden", "Ad Astra" and "Alpha Star Base"
Since 2020, Ole Braenne has continued work on the scanning of Norwegian UFO material and obtaining relevant permissions.
(1) "UFO",
(2) "En Gal Gal Verden",
(3) "Ad Astra" and
(4) "Alpha Star Base".
A lot more UFO material from Norway will be added very soon (possibly today).
Friday, March 10, 2023
"Ground Saucer Watch" Bulletin - 1970-1980s - Early FOIA battles, early Travis Walton investigation, allegations of a CIA agenda "to promote a pro-saucer viewpoint" (the "Federal Hypothesis")
The "Ground Saucer Watch" group is best known for its involvement in early Freedom Of Information Act legal battles seeking the release of UFO documentation and a very early investigation of the Travis Walton "abduction" (which concluded that the purported abduction was a hoax.
Other matters covered in issues of a bulletin published by Ground Saucer Watch in the 1970s-1980s include computer analysis of UFO photos and also discussion of allegations of a CIA agenda "to promote a pro-saucer viewpoint" (the "Federal Hypothesis"). For example, the April 1981 issue of the Ground Saucer Watch Bulletin contains a relatively lengthy article by William H Spaulding (Bill Spaulding) entitled "The Federal Hypothesis" which contends that "With each new month of researching the perplexing UFO phenomenon more information and logic is surfacing to seriously consider that the CIA involvement with the subject is one that was established to promote a pro-saucer viewpoint rather than suppress interest".
Issues of the Ground Saucer Watch Bulletin have now been added to my free online UFO archive, thanks to my recent collaboration with CUFOS (particularly liaison with CUFOS researchers George Eberhart and Mark Rodeghier).
Monday, March 6, 2023
125+ issues of REALL News (skeptical "Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land" newsletter) - Martin Kottmeyer et al - SOME ISSUES CURRENTLY MISSING
The "REALL News" newsletter of the skeptical "Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land" included quite a few articles on UFOs by under-rated researcher Martin Kottmeyer, in addition to material by other skeptics on a wide range of topics.
(Martin is a veteran UFO researcher. He has worked tirelessly within ufology for many years, doing in-depth research and giving insightful views. He is, however, rather skeptical - which probably is the main reason why he doesn't have a much higher profile within ufology...).
Various issues of the "REALL News" newsletter contain a statement granting permission for material to be reprinted, so I have added over 125 issues to my free online archive.
A few issues remain missing. I hope that the missing issues (particularly several issues from Volumes 11 and 12) will be available soon.
I'll paste below an updated list of some of the skeptical publications now in my online archive. I'm waiting for permission to upload some further skeptical newsletters (but in some cases I've been waiting for a response from the relevant skeptical editors/groups for a few years).
(1) "Skeptic UFO Newsletter" by Philip Klass
(2) John Rimmer's "Magonia"
(3) Ian Mrzyglod's "Probe"
(5) "Tampa Bay Skeptics Report"
(6) "North Texas Skeptic"
(7) "South Shore Skeptic"
(8) "Arizona Skeptic"
(9) "Phoenix Skeptics News"
(10) "Georgia Skeptics" newsletter
(11) "Bay Area Skeptics Information Sheet"
(12) "Cincinnati Skeptic"
(13) "REALL News" (Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land)
(14) a PDF archive of about 10,000 pages of Tweets by skeptics Mick West and Charlie Wiser
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
50+ issues of Cincinnati Skeptic newsletter, aka Association For Rational Thought newsletter, aka Ohio Valley Skeptics newsletter (USA, 1991-2004)
I've now added 50 issues of the "Cincinnati Skeptic" to my free online archive.
This publication was originally known for a few issues as the "Ohio Valley Skeptics" newsletter. It was also published under other titles during its publication in the 1990s to early 2000s, including "Association For Rational Thought News" and as "Newsletter of The Association for Rational Thought".
Various issues contain a statement this newsletter can be copied "for skeptical, non-profit educational use", so I have added it to my folder for UFO / Fortean newsletters from the USA. My online archive already contains numerous other skeptical publications that I have uploaded with relevant permissions - including:
(1) "Skeptic UFO Newsletter" by Philip Klass
(2) John Rimmer's "Magonia"
(3) Ian Mrzyglod's "Probe"
(5) "Tampa Bay Skeptics Report"
(6) "North Texas Skeptic"
(7) "South Shore Skeptic"
(8) "Arizona Skeptic"
(9) "Phoenix Skeptics News"
(10) "Georgia Skeptics" newsletter
(11) "Bay Area Skeptics Information Sheet"
(12) a PDF archive of about 10,000 pages of Tweets by skeptics Mick West and Charlie Wiser
I know it's terribly old-fashioned of me, but I do try to be fair in discussions about UFO research. So, although I've been critical...
I think my latest upload gives a glimpse of the power of AI tools in UFO research. (I should finish preparing another glimpse within the nex...
Introduction As outlined (with links) in the sections below, I have a few treats for anyone interested in reports of "USOs" (Unide...