Thursday, March 28, 2024
PDFs: Jim Melesciuc's "Orbiter" UFO newsletter (USA, 1980s-1990s)
PDFs: "Ohio UFO Notebook" (1992-2005) co-founded by Bill Jones, "a virtual encyclopedia of UFO information"
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
"First peer-reviewed" UFO journal - UPIAR now online (1976-1984)
UPIAR and an associated newsletter (URIP) were published from 1976 to 1984.
Edoardo Russo has described UPIAR as "the first peer-reviewed UFO periodical".
It was later followed by some similar publications, several of which I have previously uploaded - including the Journal of Transient Aerial Phenomena, and the European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies.
Edoardo helpfully provided the following background on UPIAR:"It was the initiative of CNIFAA (Comitato Nazionale Indipendente per lo studio dei Fenomeni Aerei Anomali), an Italian association based in Bologna. Its editors were Renzo Cabassi, Roberto Farabone, Francesco Izzo, with an international advisors board. After four yearly volumes, a quicker supplement was tried, UPIAR Research in Progress (URIP) under the editorship of Spanish ufologist Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos (1981-1984). A publishing house was created as a Cooperative society, whose members were all ufologists. It's still existing as a UFO publishing house for the Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU)".
The international advisory board mentioned by Edoardo included J Allen Hynek, Richard Haines, Bruce Maccabee, David Jacobs and others.
All four volumes of UPIAR are now online.
The first two issues of four issues of the associated newsletter, URIP, are also now online. I hope to sort out the other two issues shortly.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
More French UFO material : 24 issues of the AESV "En Direct" newsletter + 5 more AESV Bulletins
I have added this material to a folder for French UFO magazines / newsletters.
(I had previously uploaded many issues of the AESV Bulletin, and OVNI-Presence, with Yves Bosson's permission, thanks to scans by Pierre Lagrange and Patrice Seray).
Saturday, March 9, 2024
PDFs: 90 issues of skeptical "Phactum" newsletter - Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking
For ease of reference, the skeptical material currently in my online archive is listed below (this material being in addition, of course, to the hundreds of ufological / Fortean newsletters and magazines from other viewpoints that I have uploaded to that archive in recent years thanks to the help of well over 100 UFO groups / researchers around the world and, of course, thanks to permission from the relevant individuals):
(1) "Skeptic UFO Newsletter" by Philip Klass
(2) John Rimmer's "Magonia"
(3) Ian Mrzyglod's "Probe"
(5) "Tampa Bay Skeptics Report"
(6) "North Texas Skeptic"
(7) "South Shore Skeptic"
(8) "Arizona Skeptic"
(9) "Phoenix Skeptics News"
(10) "Georgia Skeptics" newsletter
(11) "Bay Area Skeptics Information Sheet"
(12) "Cincinnati Skeptic"
(13) "REALL News" (Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land)
(14) "Skeptical Eye" (National Capital Area Skeptics, NCAS)
(15) "Shadow of a Doubt" (National Capital Area Skeptics, NCAS)
(16) "The Skeptic" (UK)
(17) "Phactum" (Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking)
(18) The book "Flying Saucerers" by David Clarke and Andy Roberts ("A social history of Ufology")
(19) The book "The UFOs That Never Were" by Jenny Randles, Andy Roberts and David Clarke (in my view arguably the best UFO book in the last 50 years...)
(20) a PDF archive of about 10,000 pages of Tweets by skeptics Mick West and Charlie Wiser
I know it's terribly old-fashioned of me, but I do try to be fair in discussions about UFO research. So, although I've been critical...
I think my latest upload gives a glimpse of the power of AI tools in UFO research. (I should finish preparing another glimpse within the nex...
Introduction As outlined (with links) in the sections below, I have a few treats for anyone interested in reports of "USOs" (Unide...