Monday, January 18, 2021

5 sets of Swedish UFO newsletter (mainly in English) online - "AFU newsletter" etc

The "AFU Newsletter", the "AFU Annual Reports", the "Scandinavian Newsletter" edited by Anders Liljegren of the AFU, the AFU's "Ufologen" newsletter and the "AFU Sponsornytt" newsletter are now online.

The first three items were mainly in English.

52 issues of the "AFU Newsletter" are online. That started as a modest newsletter in Swedish, but became increasingly bilingual - before becoming an entirely English-language newsletter.  It contained articles focused on UFO sightings over Sweden, but (again) became increasingly international. 

The "AFU Annual Reports" were also in English. They focused on organisational issues and the growth of AFU's huge archive of UFO/Fortean material.

The "AFU Sponsornytt" newsletter was similarly focused on organisational issues relating to the AFU, particularly sponsorship funding.

The "Scandinavian Newsletter" was edited by one of the leaders of the AFU, Ander Liljegren. It was also written in English, but appears to have been relatively short lived.

14 issues of AFU's "Ufologen" newsletter (1970s) have also been uploaded. These were written in Swedish.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the AFU scanned each of the above newsletters themselves and are happy for copies to be on their website. :)


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