Tuesday, July 27, 2021

APRO UFO investigator handbook (1972) - very short training guide

The APRO handbook for UFO investigations, "Recommended Procedures for APRO Field Investigators" is a rather brief (29 page) training manual for new UFO investigators.

It isn't one of my favourite manuals for new UFO investigators, as it only really addresses some things that UFO investigators should do without much training in relation to the potential explanations that should be considered or how to investigate those possibilities. Some other UFO investigator training manuals are much better in this respect.

However, it's still interesting to see what APRO viewed as important (and, by omission, what it seems to have viewed as less significant). It also contains some good general advice and a call for objective investigations.

For example, the introductory pages comment that:  

"In the past the premature, pat explanations from Project Blue Book, the court jester antics of certain scientific authorities, and the cloak-and-dagger tactics of amateur investigators have created a mystique which has had a stifling effect on objective research. Now that there is no visible 'official" project to cloud the issues, an excellent opportunity exists to re-shape public attitudes into a more positive posture". 

Most APRO publications (including the APRO Bulletin) have been made available online for many years, so I think I can share this short manual online...

The scan has, once again, helpfully been produced by the AFU in Sweden.

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