Saturday, February 12, 2022

UFO articles from "73 Magazine" for Amateur Radio enthusiasts (1960s-2000s) - Wayne Green's UFO editorials, UFO Net, and Project Starlight

"73 Magazine" (1960-2003) was an amateur radio magazine which published many technical articles and lengthy editorials. A considerable number of the editorials in "73 Magazine" written by its founder and publisher, Wayne Green, over the span of several decades featured discussions of conspiracy theories and UFOs. Those editorials prompted at least one reader to write in to the magazine to complain that "When I buy a ham magazine I couldn't care less about UFOs, ESP, NOE. cold fusion, or regular reruns of your trials and tribulations in the music publishing business. I want to be fully informed on the latest state of the art in ham radio".

The articles in "73 Magazine" featured repeated discussion of using amateur radio networks to enable those interested in UFOs to communicate information, including alerting others when something is spotted and enabling "scientific teams to know immediately where a UFO has been spotted and where it is heading".  One article suggested that nothing "other than amateur radio could fit the bill".  Wayne Green's own UFO amateur radio network [UFO Net], and other similar UFO networks (including one run by MUFON) and UFO radio shows (e.g. by Art Bell) featured repeatedly in this magazine. 

Other UFO articles included an item on Ray Stanford's Project Starlight and one featuring schematics for a UFO detector.

Mikhail Gershtein, the Russian UFO researcher, had previously kindly provided me with scans of 3 articles from "73 Magazine". Looking into those articles, I found that the entire collection of "73 Magazine" has been made freely available online so I downloaded 514 issues and searched them for the keyword "UFO".  Unfortunately, due to the imperfect nature of the Optical Character Recognition used in relation to those scans, many of the hundreds of searchable results were irrelevant - but I picked out over 40 relevant items and extracted them to add to my searchable collection of UFO material.

Click on the image below for a link to the relevant folder I've created in the online archive for UFO articles from "73 Magazine".

I'll paste below a brief indication of 43 issues of "73 Magazine" featuring discussions of UFOs.

1966 01 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1966 03 00_73 Magazine - Letter regarding editorial

1966 05 00_73 Magazine

1967 12 00_73 Magazine - Data Net

1968 04 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 05 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 06 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 08 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 09 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 10 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net

1968 12 00_73 Magazine - UFO Net and acceptance

1969 01 00_73 Magazine - Russia

1970 10 00_73 Magazine - UFO Cartoon

1971 08 00_73 Magazine - DX from the stars

1973 08 00_73 Magazine - UFO net

1975 04 00_73 Magazine

1977 04 00_73 Magazine - Walt Andrus - MUFON

1978 12 00_73 Magazine - Project Starlight

1979 12 00_73 Magazine - Cincinnati UFO Net

1980 04 00_73 Magazine - Radio hams

1980 08 00_73 Magazine - UFOs again

1983 03 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1986 05 00_73 Magazine - Aliens land

1989 04 00_73 Magazine - SETI and UFOs

1990 04 00_73 Magazine - MUFON net manager

1995 06 00_73 Magazine - Comment on editorials

1996 01 00_73 Magazine

1996 03 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1996 06 00_73 Magazine - Wayne Green editorial

1996 10 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1996 12 00_73 Magazine - HALO balloon UFO

1997 02 00_73 Magazine - Colombia

1997 10 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1998 01 00_73 Magazine

1998 05 00_73 Magazine - Editorial

1999 02 00_73 Magazine - UFO Detector

1999 03 00_73 Magazine - David Jacobs

1999 05 00_73 Magazine - War of the Worlds

1999 06 00_73 Magazine - War of the Worlds

1999 09 00_73 Magazine - Art Bell

2000 12 00_73 Magazine - Editorial - SETI

2001 08 00_73 Magazine - UFO Watchtower

2002 02 00_73 Magazine - Coast To Coast

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