Saturday, September 2, 2023

PDF of the book "Flying Saucerers" by David Clarke and Andy Roberts ("A social history of Ufology")

Two leading British UFO researchers, David Clarke and Andy Roberts, have kindly given me permission to add the a searchable scanned copy of their book "Flying Saucerers" to my online archive, hosted by the AFU.

The book has helpfully been scanned by American researcher Jeff Knox, with those scans having been subsequently tweaked by Russian researcher Mikhail Gershtein.

This book is not the typical UFO book examining a few cases. 

The introduction to this book includes the following explanation of the viewpoint of the authors: 

"... the subject of UFOlogy is not actually about UFOs. There are no UFOs to study, only reports of UFOs and the component parts of a sighting when it becomes resolved, for example an aeroplane or kite is misperceived as something extraordinary. This is a fascinating subject in itself but is the study of perception, not UFOs. If it is anything, UFOlogy is about the people who see, investigate and write about UFOs. UFOlogy is created by the interplay of these three groups and we scrutinise this complex relationship in Flying Saucerers. Of course, this labyrinthine interaction begs the question: ’Have UFOlogists created the entire UFO phenomenon themselves?’

That explanation indicates why "Flying Saucerers" is described by the authors as "a social history of ufology".

1 comment:

  1. The old "its all just sociology" trick...I asked Clarke straight up about hessdalen and footage etc...he made some lame snarky comment and ran away...Its great that someone with a degree in folklore tries to emulate science..but it aint science..its just patronising garbage..
